Well really, with their schedules I can sort of see it. But it would also suck to spend all *my* time with the people I work with. (shrug)
Anybody have any news on the S3 DVDs easter egg? sumi? If anybody, I'd expect you to.
Also, yes that IS a wonderful Ellen fic, and it was HARD not to say anything. But it was also fun knowing who wrote it and watching other people wonder.
But it was also fun knowing who wrote it and watching other people wonder.
Very much this, especially with Consuela.
This is...new. At least publicly, isn't it?
I know, I'm twelve, but this made me laugh and laugh.
Imagine having a fan girl moment with a world-famous novelist!
Dude, if I could, I would
use any celebrity clout I had to tour the set. "I'm sorry, your Highness, but Kripke said you cannot have preview scripts. You must wait until the episode airs on national television. He also said if you don't stop calling about buying a metallicar, he will enforce the restraining order."
Beverly and Perkins rock as beta readers. Utterly.
Jared and Jensen live together
Buzzuh? Well, that's not going to appeal to the RPFers. No, not at all...
It makes sense, though. Jared's alone in a big house (one presumes), they got renewed, why should Jensen live in a hotel or some random condo?
Non-Spoilery squee from somebody who saw the first two episodes.
Among any other cast I'd just chalk it up to convenience and camaraderie, but given the widespread and vocal nature of the Wincest aficionados in SPN fandom, do you think that it might also be a PR move?
OmG! OMG!!! There are two little clips from ep. 4.1.
On the CW's website?
I'm spoiled already from the guide description, I might as well embrace it...