I just unsubscribed from Spoilers Lite (Spoilers went weeks ago) and I'm going to try and be very good this year. No more temptation on my message center. I will have to watch panels as they come along, because teh pretty, but other than that I am being good.
Jesus, I'm not even convincing myself. No, but really, I am going to try because I don't know anything major and I want to keep it that way.
I'm already putting together my wishlist of guest stars. WRM, I don't want to hear, "Jeff has an open invitation, he is just really busy" come out of Kripke's mouth anymore. No Shit Kripke. Pony up. Make it so.
My friend S. and her entire family (extended) watch Supernatural and they came up with this theor on how Dean gets out of Hell:
A. (Cubs win world series) + B (hell freezes over) = C (Dean walks out of hell)!
Sounds more plausible than many theories...
That is brilliant.
Note: the last time the Cubbies won the World Series was the same year a comet hit the earth. Coincidence?
Heh. It's a shame Supernatural didn't start 4 years earlier, the Red Sox World Series win during a lunar eclipse would have given them a ready-made excuse.
FRAK! WGN is showing a White Sox game at 6 pm on September 18th!
I assume this means that Supernatural will be delayed 'til 11:30 ish.
Didn't they do this to us last year?
Amusing story from the SPN panel at Comic-con:
We could not stop laughing,” says AJ. “We’d go home and, I’m not even kidding, our stomachs, our face muscles would be sore ‘cause you’d try to keep your face stiff trying not to laugh during a take and it just … you know. Especially Jared. Jared can’t… once he starts laughing, forget about it—”
Travis. “He’s gone.”
“Every take, he’s gone,” says AJ. “There were so many takes during the filming he actually walked off the set and laid on the ground outside and started laughing. His laugh is like–”
He imitates a deep, rumbling laugher in his chest and suddenly they’re all talking at once describing how Jared’s body is bouncing off the ground with the laughter and how everyone can hear it.
AJ. “He’s so big. He literally picked me and Travis up one day. He was like, ‘come on little buddies’.”
“Walking around with us like bears – teddy bears,” says Travis then he gets us back on track. “So at the end of the day we’d be piling in the van and getting driven off by transpo and we’d just be chatting like, ‘I’ve never had this experience on a set before. That was so awesome!’”