Re: the whitefont.
The fuck?
No, seriously, is Kripke taking lessons from the Gekko guys about cross-pollinating by way of casting? In which case, can we get Ben Browder on board somehow? He'd be a kickass uncle, I think.
Plotwise, the mere fact that they have a grandfather baffles me. Where the hell was the man when his grandsons were taken on the run by their father--and who wants to bet he's John's dad, and not Mary's? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I'm betting flashback, or possibly some sort of "Five People I Met in Hell" thing they could do with Dean.
Otherwise, my thoughts are very much in alignment with yours.
Here's the question I have:
their budget was dicey last year and they couldn't afford some regulars, so what's with new grandpa now? I hope he's mom's dad.
I also think Kripke's playing fast and loose with
ages. MP might be old enough to be JDM's dad--but I seriously doubt he's old enough to be John's dad. John's 53 when he dies, so if MP is playing John's dad, he's gotta be well into his 70s, and he's so not. And Mary and John were pretty much of an age, too. This doesn't work.
Suela, I'm thinking Anne may have the right of it.
(And, hey! He could just be
very well preserved. Or, you know, maybe a ghost. Or something. I also suspect John's dad instead of Mary's. But mostly, MP!!! MP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
t handwaves
Ooo. Hey, can we also
get Nic Lea? As some, umm. Smarmy one-handed evil hunter? Or something? What?
Okay, are we sure that
MP is playing the *real* grandfather? Maybe he is actually a demon who isn't really the grandfather.
Well, really there is that
whole connection between Kripke and other SPN writer/producer guys and the X-Files. It is in many ways not surprising. I think - flashback for Grandpa. Why John's dad?
I mean, aren't we supposed to be getting more of
Mary's story this year? It makes more sense to me that he's Mary's dad.
Broke down and read the whitefont, for lo I am weak... what if
he portrays the grandfather in flashback? Then the age isn't so much an issue. Also, given the context, he could be dead.
Yeah, okay, if it's
flashbacks then the ages are less of an issue.
I suspect I may just be looking for reasons to be grumpy because my Summergen story is being DIFFICULT. ARgh.
Blu-ray version of season 3 out on November 11th.