Hah. I've gone on at length about the lucky casting in this show. There's an obvious facial resemblence between young JDM's pictures and JA's present ones. If you look at stills from JDM's movies when he was in his 20s, there's a lot of resemblence to JP in the jaw, brow, dimples, length of body, breadth of shoulders. And there's a similarity of eye and jaw shape, and smile, between JA and Samantha Smith, both now and even more apparent in pics when JA was younger.
I caught a bit of What is Now the other day, and noted that the shape of Smith's face could be a feminized version of JP's, as well as her height and length of arm and leg bones.
Lucky casting, IJS.
Interview with Sera Gamble - non-spoilery. (Unless you haven't watched through season 3.)
Updated press release about season 3 dvds with one additional special feature - (I have italicized):
From Legends to Reality: SUPERNATURAL Effects
Impala Featurette: A Look Inside the Classic 1967 Chevrolet Impala
Scene Specifics: Short Segments Showcasing Creative Team Members Discussing Favorite Aspects of Particular Episodes
Ghostfacers! Confessionals Minifeaturette Gallery
Gag Reel
Impala Featurette: A Look Inside the Classic 1967 Chevrolet Impala
Allowing for the Gag reel to blow it away but I expect this featurette to be Best.Extra.Ever!
This is an excellent little followup to 316:
Not as good as yours, I think. But that first sentence is a killer.
Why thank you. But I love the premise of this one, and it's well-executed. I tend to think (based purely on unspoiled speculation) that it's a road the show could go, and give Jensen some really interesting work to do.
That was fabulous. Thank you for pointing it out, as I'd blown by it when skimming my flist.
And yes, I agree with you that the show could very easily go that direction--and I'd love it if it did.
I liked this write up of the Dallas con. No Spoilers [link]
Filming the finale was hard, especially because he had to transition from fighting off the demon to realizing his brother is actually dead all on camera, as in they never panned away so he could get into his grief and build up to it by thinking of "puppies in shelters." But he did say that Jensen, "bless him," was acting for Jared even though he wasn't being filmed and was holding his breath and keeping his eyes wide open without blinking take after take after take and that Jared kept on saying, hey, man, you don't have to do that but Jensen kept on acting for Jared.
Oh boys