Not to invalidate your ire, but this is different from how television handles law and medicine and a thousand other disciplines how?
Oh I know, I know. Watching Bones or any of the CSI shows with my friend who majored in forensic anthropology is similar. "IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT AAAAAUUGH!" becomes the refrain of the evening.
If she left before the Fall, would she be child-like
I don't know but that is a good theory.
"IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT AAAAAUUGH!" becomes the refrain of the evening.
Word. I saw the pilot of Bones and even my long-ago experience with an archaeology lab was enough to tag the show as science fiction.
Whenever they show that holographic imaging station I expect Bones to say "Many Bothans died to bring us this information."
You owe me a laptop screen, Matt. Heh.
If there aren't any extras, and for that price, I'll just transfer my downloaded widescreen eps to disc and call it good. There had better be extras, and they'd better be damned good, for that price.
I have heard, however, that there would be no episode commentary. I guess paying people to sit in a trailer and talk over a screening is beyond the budget this year.
Amazon's got the pre-order up for $38.
Which is the general price for a
full season.
Which is wrong and makes me hurt.