P-C, I saw Nikki's article but that didn't completely convince me I could exhale. Reaper isn't even on that schedule.
eta: It sounds like someone in the comments was at the upfronts confirming this version too. Okay, my blood pressure is coming down.
eata: Another source from CW saying full season of SPN. Whew.
I wonder where they envision putting Reaper. . . (I am so glad that Zap2it was wrong, wrong, wrong.)
Glad to hear we won't have eight months to stress over the resolution of the cliffhanger. And I'm convinced there will be one: there only wasn't one last year because they weren't sure they'd be picked up.
Stressful as they may be, the great thing about cliffhangers is that they can make for awesome fanfiction in the hiatus.
Yeah, I think we're in for a big cliffhanger.
Season 3 dvds are up for pre-order. I hope that the price goes down - that's alot of money for 3/4 of a season.
Looks like Amazon jumped the gun a bit. I'm hoping that the actual price will be much lower.
Perkins, those statue people must be John-haters.
That's the only explanation.
I don't know, the Dean statue is pretty tragic as well.