I had to start watching late so I'm behind but
The other theory I like is the one where Sam accepts his destiny in order to save Dean. This leads to all sort of hijinks because while Dean is now safe, he now has to deal with Evil!Sam.
I have a nasty feeling that Sam and Dean are going to reunite under some less than optimal circumstances.
I think you are onto something. Especially with the boys splitting up. What are they thinking? Stupid, stupid, stupid.
But I don't think Sam's ever been cuter. Gonna smish him.
Also I think I know Rufus from somewhere. I've seen this actor before....but where?
Dean's reaction to the ear question was priceless.
Man, as much as I liked it, that drinking scene was sloooooooow.
I hope Bela's really crucial to Dean's deal, since they're paying her so much attention.
Ohh, Show, did you just play the parental abuse card? I think you did.
Honestly? They could have dropped the Bela story after the strike and I never would have noticed. At this point it seems to be superfluous.
Why is your window open, Sam?
I've seen this actor before....but where?
X-Files. Mulder's secret source.
If you're old enough, 21 Jump Street.
If you're old enough, 21 Jump Street.
Unfortunately yes. I mean, oh, yeah.
Ok, the eyeballs thing? UNNECESSARY.