strike or not, something was missing. John, Mary, Missouri, Jess, YED, Ellen... I'm okay if we don't learn anything new in the next two episodes. More questions to set up something for season four maybe, but I don't expect any answers.
Have I explained my pet theory for S4? It involves Dean dying at the end of S3, Sam going just a bit nutty, and going to Missouri for help.
I like that theory, Jilli.
The other theory I like is the one where Sam accepts his destiny in order to save Dean. This leads to all sort of hijinks because while Dean is now safe, he now has to deal with Evil!Sam.
Holy SGA reunion, Batman!
I missed the first few minutes because my housesitter managed to Do Something to my TV setup. What happened? Who showed up from SGA?
The "Your Mother" thing was a nice, heart-stopping moment before it became clear it was an insult
You generally don't want to see your ER nurse react that way...
Kavan Smith (Lorne) and Craig Veroni (Grodin).
Nice to see them revisiting urban legends again. Even if it's this one.
And we're back to the gore.