"I can't expect Dad to show up with a miracle at the last minute"...oh, but he does.
I kinda love Jeremy for that. He has to be laughing at us all ready to cry and then .."and Me, that's all ya got?"
HayZeus Christae! Was that an icecream scoop next week? I don't know if I can watch.
"I can't expect Dad to show up with a miracle at the last minute"...oh, but he does.
I honestly believed that we would have something happen at the end, kind of like at the end of "Home."
So, I guess we can say that JDM phoned that performance in?
So, I guess we can say that JDM phoned that performance in?
Kripke better pay that off with a little bit more JDM down the line. Listen to my greedy self.
The end was so perfect. So very much THEM.
The end was so perfect. So very much THEM.
Yes, but Dean still seemed a bit angry at the same time (YDMV). I do think that we're heading for explosions.
I'm getting that he's angry in general, angry at himself for being scared and helpless and actually admitting it. But that could just be my read.
That makes a lot of sense. It also makes for a Dean that is primed for reacting in just the wrong way at the wrong time.
Plus, Sam seems inclined to go into BUABS mode a bit more easily these days. I love the contrast between him talking to the girl about her mom's phone calls and the way he pulled a knife on Stewie.
Plus, Sam seems inclined to go into BUABS mode a bit more easily these days. I love the contrast between him talking to the girl about her mom's phone calls and the way he pulled a knife on Stewie.
Yes. They are really set up for a good place for the end of the season. Well, good for us, kind of angsty and pain filled for them.
'm not shocked. I'm in pretty much the same place.
Sorry guys, in a funny mood and couldn't watch and type at the same time tonight.
...I just wanna go watch some S2. They've already solved those problems, I know stuff turns out--well, pretty screwed, actually. I need to find a show that's all fluffy puppies and rainbows, I guess.