That look is all Jensen, not Dean.
This. I was looking at the picture thinking Jared and Jensen, not Sam and Dean. I don't see the Winchesters anywhere.
which could explain my extreme attraction to Dean and how Jensen is just too pretty for me. almost why i was hesitant to do that "celebrities i'd totally do" meme on lj. i tend to be way more attracted to the characters than the people playing them.
tiggy is me. Dean rocks my world, Alec was damn sexy, the other characters he has played...meh. I turned the channel.
Maybe if he were naked?
Yeah, I'm not saying I would kick him out of bed.
Yeah, I'm not saying I would kick him out of bed.
BWAH!! Okay, there went the soda through my nose.
I'd hate for the long, lean boy to feel left out so I guess I would take him. Y'know, just to be polite.
nice steal there, Aurelia.
I'm going to go on record as saying JP just don't do it for me. He's too boyish. And his nose bugs me.
I get the Dean Oost tho. And I mean I GET IT like a low down dirty...deceiver. (No, different show.)
Low down, dirty oosty tingles. RAWR.
Do you guys remember when SPN switched from Tuesdays to Thursdays? Was it in the middle of season 1 or at the beginning of season 2?
Season 2, I think, sumi.
Okay sumi, I found a random blog entry on the TiVo forum dated 1.31.06 that mentions SPN *is* moving to Thursday following Smallville. So it looks like the middle of Season 1.
Erin, have you seen JP lately? Nothing boyish about him. Also, while you are completely entitled to your enthusiasms and aversions, there are *some* people who are in love with Sam's Nose. Quite loopily so. Check out Kroki Refur's LJ--I'd link, but I'm reluctant to without permission.
Oh yeah. Erin needs to watch "Born Under a Bad Sign" stat.
I went over to TWOP - Hell House was the first Thursday night SPN. March 30th.
Oh and when it aired on Tuesday? It was getting really good ratings - like 2 whole points above the best that it does now - it dropped 3 points as soon as it moved to Thursdays and it's never picked them up again.