Have the amulet--have had, since S1. You can find them anywhere now. It was more fun when you had to track one down. Can't find a good replica of the ring, though. S1 Dean's bracelet, S2--easy peasy.
In case anybody's wondering, here are the flasks I was working from:
This one's holy water. This one's whiskey.
And I can't find a cap from BUaBS of Dean's when he's flinging holy water on Possessed!Sam, but it's a standard squarish one, and I thought the Queen of Diamonds was a nice touch.
I've worked props and wardrobe, and the thing to remember about official and authorized merch is that most wardrobe and props departments don't have time or budget to make stuff. They may modify--and it still tickles me everytime I watch Shindig to know Inara's wearing Jane Espenson's wedding dress to the ball--but they start with easy to find and cheap. So rather than buy "authorized replicas," I'm more about finding approximations from similar sources.
Yeah, I think I'm about to pack in the comic, too. I have an extra #4, if anybody wants. Misdirected but sweet gift from a friend. E me your address at my profile e-addy.
Bev, I'd take it. I haven't seen any of them.
Yours, Amy. E me your address?
Can't find a good replica of the ring, though
They have them listed through the link given by sumi. If you want to find one outside of the internet, I don't know though. I think I read somewhere that the ring was JA's grandfather's ring, so I don't think there would be any exact replicas out there. In some ways, the ring seems too personal but I guess he made it fair game by wearing it on the show.
eta: Now I want an organizer designed by Bev!
The two door model looks just like our '72 Monte that I drove around Lawrence in the '80's. It looks nothing like our brown 4 door '77 Impala that I drove at the same time. That was the ugliest car that I ever had. Seriously.
New video interview with JP. .. I didn't consider it spoilery. . . admittedly this year, I'm not a good judge.
Okay, when was Dean supposed to have worn the skull bracelet they show on that site as "Dean's Season 2 skull bracelet"? I don't remember that at all.
Clearly somebody needs to make the big sacrifice and scour the 'nets for screencaps of Dean in season 2.
The interview is stuff that we have talked about and posited here, however, for spoiler phobes, I would stay away, since Jared is getting pretty detailed for the direction of this season and his character.
Okay, when was Dean supposed to have worn the skull bracelet they show on that site as "Dean's Season 2 skull bracelet"? I don't remember that at all.
I think the first time we see it on screen is in CSPWDT. Dean doesn't wear any of his jewelry in IMToD, and he doesn't have a bracelet until ep. 4.
signed, been here, done this research.