Somebody 'splain the Buffy sunburn thing?
Massive handwavium (made from 100% asspulled unobtainium) that Spike could hit Buffy without his chip firing when she came back from the dead. So the chip didn't recognize her as human because of a cellular sunburn. This is why sunblock is so important. Wear sunscreen, kids.
Somebody 'splain the Buffy sunburn thing?
If Sam came back "wrong", like Buffy. Or not wrong, but with a slight sunburn. However Tara explained it.
eta:What AmyLiz and Cass said.
Ah. Thanks.
And have angsty sex with Spike.
And now I'll be in my bunk.
I'll be running for the toilet. Ew.
"Check that off the to do list."
Love it.
Angsty sex with Lindsey McDonald instead?
Cass, that is a brilliant suggestion.
Not many actors could have pulled off those lines. JA is a pro.
Angsty sex with Lindsey McDonald instead?
Yessssss! (Or you know, Sam 'n' Chris).
"That was for our mom, you sonofabitch."
And then, "Come on, no!" OH. DEAN.
"Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that." ::sobs::