I'll try to be around.
Also, in TWOP's Tubey Awards, Supernatural has been doing fairly well. Firsts in a few categories, and good showings in quite a few others.
Best Tearjerk - 3rd place for Dean breaking down over Sam's corpse
Best Performance by an Inanimate Object - 1st Place!! (the Impala)
Most Overlooked Show - 2nd place (behind Friday Night Lights)
Favorite Character - 2nd place for Dean (lost to House)
Best Relationship - 2nd place for the Brothers Winchester (lost to the Taylors from FNL)
Favorite Actor - 2nd place for Jensen (lost to Hugh Laurie)
Best Chemistry - 2nd place (lost to Pam & Jim from The Office)
Best Bad Ass - 1st place for Dean
in TWOP's Tubey Awards, Supernatural has been doing fairly well. Firsts in a few categories, and good showings in quite a few others.
That is good news. Any positive mentions. Actually, any mentions we can get.
Argh! I just got word that I am needed to train, the night of Oct 4th. The appropriate response on the phone probably wasn't, "Are you shittin' me?"
CW W&P of AHBL2 in about 50 mins? Heart W&P 7:00 board time?
Yep. I'll be on disk. Poke me if I forget to pause for the "commercials."
I am also catching up on the last ... 300 messages in here. Wow.
Carry on my wayward son....awww
No!!! oh Sam! I hate seeing him die.
But wayward son!
Oh, Kripke. With the fanvidding...
I love that camera move panning up to Dean standing in the doorway.
Oh, the look. Bury Sam? NO.
Man, Bobby doesn't have to say a word, his face says it all.
"Let it end!"
That's how loud he yelled "Get the fuck out" in the play. He is scary when he yells.
Poor Bobby looks lost too.