I don't think Tricia's going to have trouble finding work.
I like this ep a lot more having watched it a couple of times.
There was some mention...somewhere, I forget, that there was "an episode" that JA and JP were, shall we say, less fond of than most. Anybody know, or have a good guess, which ep that would be?
Having never been there, I wonder, does Vancouver not get much snow?
Based on my viewings of years of episodes set there, it gets cold enough for visible breath, but I think there is some kind of rule about precipitation having to be really really wet, so much so that snow doesn't count. Sleet and slush and freezing rain, though, yeah.
(Given my druthers, I'd go for snow overall, since at the end of a snowfall at least you've got something to play in, and you don't look nearly as much like a drowned rat.)
I loved the teaser!
Metallicar, Dean's voice-over - excellent.
Okay, a little too short.
I hope for more next week.
Yay! Thanks sumi.
What the hell is Dean saying in that promo? I grokked it at the time, but I can't get the whole sentence on the youtube clip.
oops. Nevermind. If I had scrolled down the page below the clip I would have seen someone else had the same problem and provided the answer.
Interview with YOUNG Jared link that was on the right of that promo page. And another
with interview clips from that page. When did those boys start looking older? I know it's been a while since I've seen these clips, but I think the series is aging them.
And Jared? I want to smoosh him in that first clip. I guess it carries over to the second clip too. I could die from the cuteness. Not hotness--cuteness.
JP looks alot older at the end of season 1 than he did at the beginning. It's kind of an amazing transformation.
Guys seem to hit that maturity bump somewhere between 25 and 30. They hum along looking all post-adolescent and "youth" until suddenly they look "man." You could tell a big change in Ackles from the pilot to Dead in the Water, and by Dead Man's Blood he looked 3 or 4 years older. He even moved differently than he had in earlier shows.
Padalecki went through a lot of change during Season 1; his features hardened, he lost a lot of the androgynous weedy look he'd had since Gilmore Girls. Because of the wardrobe, the hair, and the way we were used to perceiving Sam, it went pretty much unnoticed until...Hunted? CSPWDT? He was still in disguise as boy!Sam in IMToD and ELaC. After that, though, he suddenly seemed very adult.
I'm not saying the rigors of the show aren't adding wear and tear. I'm just saying that a 26 year old could still pass as a high school student in some lights. That same guy at 27 couldn't. The aging process of physical appearance is a mysterious thing.
David B. had the same problem in Angel. Season five of AtS it would have been kinda icky if he had been hanging out at the high school.
Dude, mortality sucks.
My son was describing someone for me and said, "he was old. Not old old. Just your age old." Thanks kid.