Man, IMDB just spoiled me for two more episode titles. Damn it.
The hubby has done a lot of TV work. I think I might actually recognize him from Melrose Place. ::facepalm::
"I'm not leaving without my husband." No, sweetie, and you haven't for a long time.
I couldn't understand why JA was coming off as slightly unsympathetic in this episode. Because he was supposed to. I should just trust he knows what he's doing.
Poor Metalicar. Sounds ill.
"I don't think he's gonna let her leave" Dean may have been talking about the Impala and not Molly.
Yeah, Dean seemed like a real dick at first. Made sense after, of course.
I'm surprised they're actually someplace with snow. Don't seem to show that too much.
Poor JP and his headcold.
I'm loving all the subtexty looks between the brothers, and Dean's unsympathetic attitude, now that I know what's going on.
Thank you, juliana!
I'm surprised they're actually someplace with snow. Don't seem to show that too much.
I've noticed that. Having never been there, I wonder, does Vancouver not get much snow?
It's near the ocean, right? Probably milder weather...
You know, in hindsight, I should have guessed when Dean was rude to a pretty woman that something was amiss...
Even this episode is much better upon multiple viewings. Good series.
How nobody's touching her. No sympathetic hugs, or even pats on the back.