Birth of a child? Birth of a grandchild? Missing a Supernatural rerun for anything else falls under want, not need.
Commitment people.
Is it bad that in a couple months, I
have a work conflict and while filling out a form yesterday thought about saying I couldn't work on a Thursday night?
Where are you? I thought you were Central Time, like Anne.
If this is directed at me, I'm an EST monkey.
Yes, you. E me. I've lost you. Geographically speaking.
Austin, Roadkill is not one of my favorite eps, plus, you know, rerun. And if peeps were showing up to keep me from posting into the abyss, I wanted to remove that onus. Curse of politeness.
Roadkill was kind of an iffy episode, wasn't it?
Roadkill was kinda iffy, but I liked the premise. And the girl from BSG did a good job.
Man, I love this intro SO MUCH. Music = perfect for under the dialogue.
Amy loves Dean's extra-deep "Sam!"
Dean, whyfor do you already have your emo eyeliner on?!? Did the pie make you sad?
I hadn't paid attntion to what was on the radio the first time I watched.
And no, I haven't watched this all the way through again. More than two or three times. Although I confess to having watched the ending more than that. Just as a way of, you know, desensitising. Or something.
Sam looks good even upside down.
God, he's big.