To be fair though, the blood on this show doesn't look all that fakey. So it's hard to keep that in mind.
she was getting payback for being sent to hell, and she knew exactly which buttons to push to make Dean's life hell
This is why she should come back again and again.
JA gave good Texas in this ep.
The goose egg on Jo looked pretty faek at first.
Any idea what song Dean's phone played?
But who was saying Meg's plan was for Dean to kill Sam? Because ... that doesn't make sense to me.
That was me. The scene in the motel where Meg!Sam was all put wrapping Dean's finger around the trigger was got me thinking that way.
I could see her wanting Dean to shoot Sam, planning to then rush out in a plume of black smoke so that Dean would know
what he had done.
I always thought that was the plan. Having Dean shoot Sam would get rid of Sam and effectively destroy Dean, in the most painful way (to Dean) possible.
I guess I figured the binding link would prevent that, though.
I think Meg wanted the perverse pleasure of becoming Sam, of torturing Dean with the knowledge, and torturing Sam in the process with the things she woud do. The binding link keeps her locked in there pretty effectively until Bobby taints the symbol with the hot iron.
It's entirely possible that the binding link just means she can't be
out. She'd probably want to be able to vacate whenever she wanted.
Huh. After this ep, does Sam still have the burn scar, or did it disappear when Bobby frizzled it?
Maybe it was a magic branding iron to go with the magic lucky charms.
would get rid of Sam
Plus, if she doesn't give a "rat's ass" about the plan, it's a nice little fuck you to Demon Daddy Dearest.
does Sam still have the burn scar
Um... if he ever showed his damn forearms, we might know.