is it just me that finds JP to be a terribly un-graceful lad?
I was just watching Bloodlust (Oh, Dean!), and the part where Sam is outside the motel and is wigging out at the ominous music of "You're ass is about to be kidnapped!", and then he literally lumbers off into the room.
And that is so not a good haircut to have when there is the possibility of being gagged in one's line of work. IJS.
*loves me some Sam*
That is why I love the nickname puppy. He's a six month old lab. All legs and his brain hasn't quite got the hang of sending messages to the rest of his body. Plus he likes to maul and hump Jensen during photo shoots, so there is that also.
But when I refer to him as Puppy, my mind goes to the Willow/Angel place so other images intrude as well. I give up, my mind is always porn when it comes to this show.
Hollywood Babylon:
I thought the joke would have been funnier if Sam would have wanted to see the set of Gilmore Girls instead of looking worried and jumping off the tram. That was just weird.
Also I love that Kripke said that all the notes from the "studio" are real notes from the studio.
Some imaginitive writer used the noun "giraffe" as a verb for Sam, and it SO works.
"Sam giraffes over to take a look." Yes. Yes, he does.
Actually, when JP is moving on his own he's fairly smooth and graceful. It's usually when he's Sam, or when he's trying to match step with JA that he shuffles and bumbles and falls over his own limbs.
puppies and giraffes...
*goes to a happy tongue place*
I haven't seen much JP as JP footage, but that's kinda cute that as Sam he develops two left feet.
And yes Sam is so controlled and whip-fast when he fights.
It's really then that he feels most comfortable in his own skin. The rest of the time, I bet he feels awkward about his height and size, and tries to compensate for that, and just ends up throwing himself off-balance.
Oh, Sammy.
I'm here! I made it home on time, and I have beer.
We're going at 7 board time, yes?
Ah, the hooker from god. Hi, hooker from god. Go forth and fillet people, m'kay?
I'm here! I made it home on time, and I have beer.
Are you sure you don't write for Dean?
I'm ready to go.