Ooh, that X Men: Origins trailer could lure me back to the cinema. Which, after the abomination that was X3, is not something I expected to be typing. Still - Hugh's Wolverine is for the win.
wrt The Crow, I am appalled to hear that the director responsible for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is allowed to direct anything ever again. Have you no prisons?
Watched Master and Commander on the flight home, along with The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emperor and X Files: I want to believe.
I thoroughly enjoyed MaC and TMCotDE, but the X Files movie was totally pointless. Gillian Anderson was luminous as ever, and she continues to impress me with her mad thespian skillz (cracking delivery on a number of unworthy lines), but overall it left me bemused as to why on earth it had been made.
And...I may be wrong, but my understanding at the end of the TV show was that Mulder and Scully were going to be fairly busy on the run and trying to fight an unequal battle in a distopian world that was in the process of being invaded by aliens. Which should have kept them fairly busy. Instead of which...they decided to pretend everything was fine? They got really drunk and concluded it was all an alcohol-fuelled halucination? They had their fucking memories wiped? They woke up in the shower and decided it was all a dream? What?
Also? I really didn't love the shippiness. Them as a couple...yeah, I didn't love it, because the vast bulk of the show had their relationship be UST/buddy vibe, and then when they jumped into 'aaand he fathered her baby' one was left going HUH????? and flailing around. I would be happy for them to have earned this relationship, but I'm kind of annoyed that we're just supposed to accept that this is where they're at.
Also the conflict rang completely false. ("You should come back and get obsessive about all this stuff again! Oh...yeah, actually, I changed my mind. For no reason. Just cuz." WTF? Scully is not a 13 year old girl, people!) And I did not understand the Frankenstein plot. Why? How? Why? What? What were they trying to DO? Was it just for shits and giggles? Chop off some chick's arm and sew it onto ZombieGuy - oookay, he needs radical surgery, or something. Okay. The only person you can find is a woman. Well, better than having no arm, I guess. So the next thing you do is...chop off his head. For no clear reason. And plug him into someone? Because...the who with the what now?
Oh, Callum Keith Rennie. You're better than this. Actually, everyone is better than this. Except maybe Duchovny; much as I enjoyed him in The X Files, the rest of his body of work seems to suggest that his main skills may lie in having a good arse and a full head of hair. But Gillian Anderson is fabulousness on a stick.
Homophobia - not for the win. Also...priest abuses altar boy, so altar boy becomes (1) gay and (2) evil? What? Sorry?
Oh, it was just a whole big mountain of misjudged tone, portentous claptrap, inconsistency and blah. I thought. Made of blah. a mess.