I read the imdb synopses to work what had happened, but then was left with the why. The Salon piece would probably be better info.
Imdb had a list of Lynch's ten clues, and even they didn't help. On my phone so I can't link, but if someone could explain
to me, I'd be grateful.
Also watched the remake of
The Manchurian Candidate
(love both versions) and
which I enjoy in sparse doses.
Next up is to make a dent in my netflix queue by watching online. I'll die before that list gets shorter than 100.
I really don't care for clever twists and stories I have to figure out by reading clues and explanations online somewhere. I don't want everything just handed to me, but Mulholland Dr wallows in a ridiculous level of obfuscation (or laziness?) in its storytelling. If I don't care whether a single character in your movie lives or dies, all the lovely cinematography and Hidden Layers Of Stuff won't save you.
I guess that means I'm not Lynch's advocate here...
I really don't care for clever twists and stories I have to figure out by reading clues and explanations online somewhere.
In fairness to Lynch, the twists aren't there just to give you a gotcha moment, but are completely justified by the narrative.
The story achieves a fair amount of emotional heft when you realize what's happening and it's not a place you can get to narratively if it was told in a straightforward fashion.
Salon's Mullholland Drive analysis
Can someone who liked Mulholland Drive sell it to me?
I liked it. I thought it was the closest movie equivalent I've seen to watching a dream. Other than that, I am at a loss to explain it further.
Thanks for the link, Hec. It doesn't help me like it, because I don't think that movies should be that much work (and the article seems to imply that it's even more work than I found it--is it really supposed to be hard to tell it's Naomi throughout?). It mentions
as being similarly arduous, but instead I found
rewarding once you click with it, which is eminently possible while you're still in the theatre.
Now to poke through the letters in response to the analysis.
I loved
Mulholland Drive
- even the first time i saw it and had no idea what I had just seen. Lynch stuff is always so creepy and intense. And this one had hot lesbians, too! I was meh on
It doesn't help me like it, because I don't think that movies should be that much work
I granted it some leeway because Lynch had to rescue what had originally been a TV pilot and some episodes and make a movie out of it. I think this is more successful than the similar re-edit of the Twin Peaks pilot into its european movie version.
I have to admit that part of me did think "Well, what if you don't care about hot lesbians--what's in the movie for you then?"
It was creepy at times, but still I didn't feel anyone one worth rooting for, and not satisfying to root against.
Oh! Something I don't see in the article or discussion so far--what was up with the two guys in Twinkies--one of whom faints later. She only seems to see the fainter in her RL.
I hated MD. Thought it was pretentious and self-indulgent, even if it does have some achingly powerful moments.