"Holy shit, I don't know how anyone understands French. Everything slurs together! How do you pick out WORDS?"
Hah! The French are big mumblers.
A college friend was visiting me in Paris and trying to following what I said when I bought tickets and such. He was like "I can't hear anything you say!?!" And I was like, dude, that's the goal, conversations should be private.
Yeeeeah, unfortunately, historically, this is not a good sign for me.
Hey! By which I mean: hey!
You find everything riveting!
I also liked
but if you want a more viewer-friendly French Thriller Experience, run, don't walk to the theater to see
Tell No One.
It's scary, romantic, smart and fun. One of my favorite films this year. Go!
You find everything riveting!
When I was a child, I did so much want to be a riveter when I grew up.
We could have had little riveter babies who P-C would find boring.
No, that would be Rosie the Excavator babies.
(I can't believe I went there for that really bad pun!)
Stupid movie character question: The name of the cranky elf in LotR, the one who showed up with the troops during Two Towers?
Drawing a total blank.