Also, some theory about the movie being delayed while Daniel Radcliffe gets naked on Broadway.
I've read that it's actually leftover scheduling trauma from the writer's strike - Warner Bros was left without a summer tentpole release, so they moved HBP up to cover the hole. (Which makes more sense to me since the nekkid DR pics have been up online for months now - wasn't the London run before GoF?)
I don't recall the timing of
in London cf. release of GoF.
Equus ran in the West End from February '07 to June '07; Order of the Phoenix was released July '07.
Thanks so much for that link Tom. I loved Don LaFontaine and didn't even know it. This link is to a great 5 minute bio-piece on his work. blessblessbless.
Equus ran in the West End from February '07 to June '07; Order of the Phoenix was released July '07.
Radcliffe was adorable on the Jonathan Ross show begging people to not believe the hype about the show being sold out. I'm betting it became true roughly 5 minutes after he said it!
Frank, your thoughts on
The Fall
are pretty much in line with mine.
Voiceover actor Don LaFontaine has died at 68
Oh man. He was on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" a year or two ago and was *hilarious*, adding "In a world..." to the most inappropriate stories.
Frank, your thoughts on The Fall are pretty much in line with mine.
I'm curious how I'd react to a second viewing. I didn't ping they were pulling a Wizard of Oz with the actors playing the characters in the story (aside from Lee Pace and the woman) until late in the movie.
In a world...
...without Don LaFontaine... trailers...
...will never sound the same...
I just saw
The Incredible Hulk.
It was pretty fun. Hulk smashed. Moving the credits cookie up was lame, though. They should have kept it with the real movie ending and put the cookie after the credits where it belonged.