I disliked the bat-voice half the time, when it sounded like Bale had a lisp, and the other half didn't mind it.
And one of the thoughts racing through my mind during
the final scene between the Joker and Batman was "OMG! It's the Master and the Doctor! In a slashfic!"
when it sounded like Bale had a lisp,
Doesn't Bale actually have a lisp? Or is that the Welsh accent trying to break through the American accent?
(Haven't seen TDK yet, but did watch Batman Begins last night.)
i was suitable horrified, but yeah. i think it was the delivery of the whole thing...
Heh, no, I agree that the delivery calls for laughter. He's the Joker, after all. Part of me wanted to laugh, but part of me
was just trying to imagine the physics of it. Just the physical force with which he had to have pushed the guy's head down to IMPALE IT ON THE ERASER END OF A PENCIL. Ergh.
Doesn't Bale actually have a lisp?
Dunno, but his Bruce Wayne doesn't-- didn't.
I was wondering about the physics of the pencil disappearance as well. I finally decided that it must have gone into the guy's eye.
I didn't think of that, Jon. The Joker
must have really good aim.
Jon's assumption was mine.
I saw Hellboy. I need to go back and read the whitefont, but
eh. I mean, the story, in the abstract, was fine, but it was predictable, and I like the characters, but they're (apparently) not that compelling to me. It was very pretty. Although I did have extenuating circumstances on watching, so, in other circumstances, I might have been more than "eh".
Bale accused of roughing up his mother and sister:
On a totally different topic, we were so sick of the few Mallory movies we have that we plunked down $3 for the
DVD. I hadn't been able to watch it for more than 10 minutes on an airplane, but we thought, "Hey, dragons, Mal will watch it."
20 minutes in, he came and got me: "Mom, can I have a different movie? This one is bad. It is really so bad."
I just watched
Shadow of the Vampire.
It was not as cool as I'd hoped.