I thought the original movie came in at over 3 hours. So I'm hoping for a director's cut...
The fact that they got away with the PG-13 on this...doesn't astonish me (I mean really, there's no way Warners was going to let it be an R), but I suspect this was a toned down version. So I wouldn't be surprised to see some stuff put back that was originally part of a first final cut. I'm definitely hoping, like you are, that there's also stuff that was cut for time that will go back in as well.
Oh good god no - I can think of at least 20 minutes of this movie that could have been cut out.
Is the Joker-in-the-coffin scene in?
And does anyone want to come babysit so I can go see TDK in a theater?
And does anyone want to come babysit so I can go see TDK in a theater?
Yes. Because you MUST!
I go get plane ticket....
6.5 hours til we get to see it.
I would be most appreciative if those who have already seen it would stop bragging discussing it so as to not drive me bugfuck with anxiousness spoil the movie.
(j/k. mostly.)
Is the Joker-in-the-coffin scene in?
The rumor I heard was a body bag -- was it a coffin? That's even more over-the-top grotesque! (And by "grotesque," I don't mean "OMG bad!"; I mean it's utterly appropriate for the Joker.
midnight debut record for TDK
A very negative review of TDK: [link]
Best part:
Man’s struggle to be good isn’t news. The difficulty only scares children—which was the original, sophisticated point of Jack Nicholson’s ’89 Joker. Nicholson’s disfigurement abstracted psychosis, being sufficiently hideous without confusing our sympathy. Ledger’s Joker (sweaty clown’s make-up to cover his Black Dahlia–style facial scar) descends from the serial killer clichés of Hannibal Lecter and Anton Chigurh—fashionable icons of modern irrational fear. The Joker’s escalation of urban chaos and destruction is accompanied by booming sound effects and sirens—to spook excitable kids. Ledger’s already-overrated performance consists of a Ratso Rizzo voice and lots of lip-licking. But how great of an actor was Ledger to accept this trite material in the first place?
Unlike Nicholson’s multileveled characterization, Ledger reduces The Joker to one-note ham-acting and trite symbolism. If you fell for the evil-versus-evil antagonism of There Will Be Blood, then The Dark Knight should be the movie of your wretched dreams. Nolan’s unvaried direction drives home the depressing similarities between Batman and his nemeses. Nolan’s single trick is to torment viewers with relentless action montages; distracting ellipses that create narrative frustration and paranoia. Delayed resolution. Fake tension. Such effects used to be called cheap. Cheap like The Joker’s psychobabble: “Madness, as you know, is like gravity—all it takes is a little push.” The Dark Knight is the sentinel of our cultural abyss. All it takes is a push.
Joker is sophisticated and multileveled, and Heath's was one-note and ham-acting????
Yeah. The dude should have just opened his review with "Anything I have to say can pretty much be dismissed out of hand."
Salon's review was also negative.
This your first experience with Armond "I Am Insanely Contrarian About Everything" White? I almost never agree with him on anything, but he's a pretty interesting read, even when glaringly, painfully wrong. Which he is about almost anything. Even when he's right, he's wrong, y'know.