I thought I was unenthused and then I saw a trailer. Apparently there is still an X-Files fangirl buried deep within my lizard brain.
This is exactly what my Tivo says is coming up over the next few weeks. Exactly.
Excellent. I shall have them waiting when I return.
That set of eps with "Badlaa" as a capper are being shown on 7/24 in a mini-marathon on Scifi.
The funny thing is that I don't usually record the X-Files (mostly because they don't play them in order) but I check periodically and marked most of those to record just 'cause there were a lot of good eps in there.
My goodness Tom Felton is getting quite yummy.
t looks at Shaggable Harry Potter Actors List
Christ Amighty - the only one in the cast NOT on here is the guy that plays Lupin. And that's just cause I'm terrified of Gary Oldman.
I'm terrified of Gary Oldman.
I am confused by this statement.
You think Sirius Black will come after you?
One of those statements that as I was typing it, was funny. But now, not so much. Makes sense in Aimeelogic, but not in Real World Normal Person logic.
(Terrified of Gary Oldman (Sirius) who may kick my ass if I wanted to shag Lupin because they are the OTP.)
See? Insane AimeeLogic.
And also Insane sumiLogic. Yay!!
Not that Gary Oldman hasn't given people reasons to be terrified of him over the years. OTOH, I'm not sure David Thewlis hasn't either.