I know a number of people who adore it
I do, too! I know people who were thrilled when it was revived. I'm guessing that Sean is one of these guys. It amazes me how I can otherwise feel an affinity of tastes with people who love that show, because to me, it seems like an endless parade of transparent stealing from better shows and paper-thin pop-culture references masquerading as jokes. I think I'm just blind to whatever people see in it.
Hmm... I was thrilled when it was revived because the first run was IMO brilliant. Since it was brought back, I've hated every ep I've seen.
Hmm... I was thrilled when it was revived because the first run was IMO brilliant. Since it was brought back, I've hated every ep I've seen.
Huh. And I've enjoyed the new episodes a bit more than the old ones.
Yep. I'm one of those. Drew doesn't read or post in this thread, so I'll just out him now and point out that he's one, too.
Sorry, I gotta go with South Park's take on FG
The funny part about that? So do the writers for Family Guy.
After that South Park episode aired, the FG writers started calling the random stuff "Manatee Jokes" around the offices.
because to me, it seems like an endless parade of transparent stealing from better shows and paper-thin pop-culture references masquerading as jokes. I think I'm just blind to whatever people see in it.
You've summed up my exact feelings about FG with this (partial) sentence. And I love the same kind of random pop-culture stuff in Robot Chicken. Maybe it's that they don't also try to shoehorn "characters" in there (apart from their relation to the pop-culture referents)? Sealab 2021 did to a certain extent, but the characters were so off-the-rails it didn't matter.
I'm with you, Sean! I find
Family Guy
pretty hilarious. It can be hit-or-miss, for sure, but I'm still a fan.
Sits in the FG corner with Sean and P-C.
Clearly, the only recourse left to us is war.
Smithers, release the mechanical Richard Simmons!
Hmm... I was thrilled when it was revived because the first run was IMO brilliant. Since it was brought back, I've hated every ep I've seen.
Amych is me. The first run was amazing. Second run? Had lost the magic.
But then, I also think Futurama is one of the most appallingly boring things ever to air for more than five minutes, so different strokes and all.