I wonder why they couldn't get DHP, but Doug Jones still did a good job, voice and all.
I think it may have had something to do with his refusing a credit on the first movie because he didn't want to detract from Doug Jones's performance. So...I guess they decided to let him carry the character officially this time?
I think I'm on the opposite end of the Blair Scale as JZ. I dig her. She's got a certain something I dig.
she needs more on provocateuse...
Half the time I can't tell if the character Selma Blair is playing is supposed to be mentally disabled in some way...and I think generally the character isn't -- it's just something about her that makes me think that.
She is a rather opaque actress. I love how she looks, but she tends to be somewhat dull onscreen for me. YSBMV
Yet still a better actress than J---a R-----s.
The redesign of EW is TERRIBLE! What
with the random bolding in reviews, for example?
Selma Blair is one of the tv/movie people I've seen in real life who have made me conclude that most tv/movie people are teeny tiny with HUGE HEADS.
I think the flat affect thing is appropriate for Liz Sherman, as this is someone who accidentally par-broiled her family when her pyrokintetic abilities manifested. That backstory worked well with the closed-off don't-know-where-I-fit-in-ness of the first movie. Not so much when they want to convince me she's (1) a tough, seasoned field agent, or (2) a romantic leading lady who's supposed to be the more together half of the pair.
Half the time I can't tell if the character Selma Blair is playing is supposed to be mentally disabled in some way...and I think generally the character isn't -- it's just something about her that makes me think that.
I have this same problem. One of my friends thinks this about Eliza Dushku, though, which seems crazy to me.