I saw Wall*E and Hellboy II today. I liked them both quite a bit, though I wasn't quite as blown away by Wall*E as I sort of hoped to be. The Incredibles still trumps it in my Pixar list.
Awesomely, movies before noon at AMC theaters in NYC are only $6, instead of $11. This was a nice thing that I learned today.
Saw WallE, and I can I just say, I called it: [link]
I saw both Wall-E and Hellboy 2 and loved, Loved, LOVED them. The short Presto was made of awesome as well.
A couple of random thoughts.
The malfunctioning robots were GREAT! Especially the hyper one that looked like just a pair of arms and took out the security 'bots.
Also, Wall-E and Eve 4EVAH!!! Ahem, anything more coherent than that is not forthcoming at this time.
The crying-in-our-beers scene was one of my favorites, as well as the one where Krauss shows he can take Hellboy (and I rather liked Seth MacFarlane, which surprised me as I very much loathe Family Guy), and, of course, the Goblin Market ("I'm not a baby, I'm a tumor."). The story was kind of pro-forma, but given all the eye candy, more story would have almost been a distraction. The only thing that bothered me a little was the actress who played the princess (who I liked otherwise) bore a distracting resemblance to Calista Flockhart. Oh, that and the fact that they had Roy Dotrice in the same movie with Ron Perleman and didn't give them a scene together).
I didn't see a movie out in a theater today, but I did re-watch a couple of great movies during my daughter's long naps (she slept very poorly last night, and probably napped for something like 7 hours total today): High And Low and Aguirre, Wrath of God. It's been at least ten years since I watched the latter, and as much as I loved it then, I like it even more now. The former, of course, is one of the all-time great detective stories that's really about something else. I have a couple of movies on the tivo that I haven't seen before, but these were calling to me.
I got
Zero Effect
from the library on Kathy A's recommendation, and I really enjoyed it! My teenage cousin especially liked it: "It's really funny...but it's also a good movie!"
Keith Szarabajka is in TDK!? Why didn't I already know this? I blame all of you. Unless I already knew and forgot, in which case I blame all of you for the memory-destroying drugs you hae been slipping into my water. You jerks.
Oh, and I got prank-called by the Joker on Friday. Which was pretty awesome.
Wall-E was awesome and we just loved it. And, Emeline has now seen (well, paid full attention to) her first movie at the theater! She was so funny to watch. During the previews she'd gasp! at the green trailer screen, laugh and point at the thrailer, say "Ooooh!" when it was done, and then start all over when another green screen popped up.
She surprised me with her "getting it" of the movie considering that between Wall-E and Eve, there isn't much dialogue to pick up on. But she totally got the change in tone of voice and facial expressions. She seemed to enjoy herself, but after when we asked her if she liked it, she said, "No." Which made us laugh.
But Joe and I loved it. Definite owner.
I got Zero Effect from the library on Kathy A's recommendation, and I really enjoyed it!
Yay! And the cycle of Buffista recs for that movie continues, because I first watched it based on another Buffista's rec (can't remember who, though). I love watching well-done Holmes(or Holmes-esque) films, and that's one of the best.
I had never read the comic or seen the first movie, but I have much love for Hellboy 2.