K-Bug is insisting I read the book. She is quite the fan and is annoyed that I'm laughing at the pictures and popularity. She flies home the day the 4th book comes out and she wants to hit one of the midnight releases so she has something to read on the plane.
I love my girl, but I'm worried she has been corrupted.
She is quite the fan and is annoyed that I'm laughing at the pictures and popularity
Honestly, I think you should read the book. If for no other reason that when if she starts wurbling about OMG EDWARD AND BELLA TRU WUV I WANT TRU WUV LIKE THEM!, you can explain to her what, exactly is wrong with their relationship. And how Bella is a spineless MarySue.
Aww. That's kinda sweet.
You are a sick and disturbed person. Tho' apparently my team does have a tradition of going on group outings at lunch to see cheesetastic movies, so Twilight
fit in with that.
John Wayne IS Ghengis Khan!
Too bad the role killed him and nearly everybody else who worked on the movie, it keeps me from unbounded glee at how horrible it was.
The B&N I work at is having a midnight party/sale for the fourth in the Twilight series, and I'm making damn sure I am not working for this one. (I requested to work for HP7 last year.) Mostly because I'm sure there won't be that much need for it. We'll probably get about 50-100 diehards at best to stick around till midnight to buy their books, but I'll wait to work until the next day and see how many more get sold during normal hours.
ETA: Also, ITA on what she said about Dark Victory.
I agree with her assessment of EW's redesign. Hate.
Also, I had never heard of
until I got this issue.
A new low in vampire cheese-tasticness has been discovered.
Speaking of which, Jilli, you need to be on the lookout for a new Swedish vampire movie titled
Let The Right One In.
It's getting rave press.
Speaking of which, Jilli, you need to be on the lookout for a new Swedish vampire movie titled Let The Right One In.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, I have the novel it's based off of sitting in my to-be-read stack.