OMG the new EW cover of the Twilight movie!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahah ohhhh man. *wipes eyes* No, seriously. I just got home, picked up my cover of the mag from my mailbox and laughed for about 15 minutes non-stop.
The Fug girls are already on it: [link]
ETA: Also, ITA on what she said about
Dark Victory.
The "little ole Judy needs not know she's dying, oh no!" thing drives me absolutely bonkers. Even though I do have a bit of soft spot for the movie. Humphrey Bogart as the smitten Irish stable boy! (Most hilariously wrong casting ever?) All the doctors smoking in the patients' rooms! The blind gardening! Ahhh, 40's melodrama.
Humphrey Bogart as the smitten Irish stable boy! (Most hilariously wrong casting ever?)
Close call between that and his workaholic-millionaire-turned-romantic-woobie in Sabrina.
ETA granted, he started his stage career playing "Tennis, anyone?" types in comedies, which boggles my mind, but apparently is true to his actual roots.
Vonnie, I can't stop laughing at that cover!
Oh. My. God.
in pain from laughter
That guy looks like one of my the actors in my department, with a blonde wig. It is weirding me out. Also, it is ridiculous even without that!
OMG Wall-E aNd Eve OTP their love is so pure!!!
OMG the new EW cover of the Twilight movie!
::giggles forever and ever and ever::
Oh dear. It's really, *really* bad, isn't it?
"Have you heard? Vampires -- and especially pretty Edward Cullen-- are PALE! And yet, they sparkle."
Humphrey Bogart as the smitten Irish stable boy! (Most hilariously wrong casting ever?)
Not only does he in no way resemble an Irish stable boy, he also IMO seriously unbalances the film by attaining in one tense snarling/flirting with drunk Judy scene approximately 10,000 times the chemistry she ever manages with Doctor Chinless.
Bogart and Davis are seriously (bitterly, wrongly, but very deeply) smoking together. After that scene, the movie for me completely collapses into absurdity. If you were stinking filthy rich and gorgeous and had less than a year to live, what would you want to do with that time? Play hausfrau with the chinless doctor who MADE EVERYONE AROUND YOU COMPLICIT IN LYING TO YOUR FACE ABOUT YOUR DIRE PROGNOSIS, or swan around all the most glamourous resorts of Europe having hot rage-against-the-dying-of-the-light sex with Humphry Bogart?
swan around all the most glamourous resorts of Europe having hot rage-against-the-dying-of-the-light sex with Humphry Bogart?
THIS. ::implied duh to be inserted here::
I still love that movie, though. Davis as Judy is just wonderful.
This movie still makes me weep, although, if I knew fanfiction, I probably would have been all over Judy/stable boy. But she is trying to plant flowers while blind! I kept waiting for him to come back, because he was Humphrey Bogart, and I was so into Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart AND Katharine Hepburn in the 7th grade, when I watched all of their movies in the 99 cent rental bin at our video store.