this picture: [link]
(I can haz ita?)
And also, Hayden Christiansen with a good director behind him does not suck. (See: Shattered Glass. And apparently he was also in Virgin Suicides, presumably not sucking, even if I can't remember him in it.)
See: Shattered Glass
Oh good! It's waiting for me at home right now.
And also, Hayden Christiansen with a good director behind him does not suck.
has Joseph Kahn, the esteemed director of
and several music videos.
I have not seen
but the trailers made it look awesomely ridiculous. Physics-defying motorcycles, woo!
Part of me still wants to see
just for the over the top ridiculousness.
I think we share a part, Sean.
Nononono. No. Case is more Callum Keith Rennie (although maybe younger). He's not pretty. Maybe Alan Tudyk.
I mean, if they're going that way, why not just go way away and cast Forrest Whitaker?
And also, Hayden Christiansen with a good director behind him does not suck
this. Life as a House was fantastic and that's not least of all because of Hayden.
I think I like Hayden better than Keanu but that's like saying I'd rather eat cardboard than plastic.
The Society for Whatever, We Love Keanu respectively disagrees.