Next to the unforgiveable bastardization of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the stupid tacked-on romance subplot of V for V was barely a blip.
God, yes. This.
Also, for comics in general, I watched Superman Returns last night, which was so hokey and terrible and anvillicious that I longed for the relative subtlety of V for V.
And yet
Superman Returns
was still several zillion times less offensive and angry-making than X3.
Oh, Brian Singer. What
you thinking?
Oh, Brian Singer. What were you thinking?
That he was glad he hadn't made the third X-Men movie?
Maybe he was upset that the script didn't call for Jean Gray to make more Jesus poses.
Live action? just no...
signed way too attached to certain childhood memories.
The only anime I'd less want to see live action is "Amazing three"
Spacemen with a mission
You must make a very big decision
With your solar bomb you could destroy us,
Or save the world or save the world
Amazing three! Amazing three! Amazing three!
Want Battle of the Planets.
Discussing V for V with the guy who originally loaned me the book back in the day, and his entire comment on the movie was "Portman's pits were shaven in the baptism scene. Really threw me out of the whole mood."
"Portman's pits were shaven in the baptism scene. Really threw me out of the whole mood."
Happened to me in
La Femme Nikita
when we see Anne Parillaud's legs. They shouldn't have been so tidily hairless.
Otherwise I love the flick.
I saw the Speed Racer trailer on the big screen and it was Freakin' Awesome. Another Wachkowski film which breaks new visual ground and will be copied and copied.
Also Christina Ricci's bob was Freakin' Awesome. (I think it was her.)