I really enjoyed Stardust also. And, like PC, I had not read the book, so that is based purely on the flick.
Juliana, the costuming thing we noticed does carry through on all the brothers. Now I want to see it again so I can look for other cool details.
that review is a thing of beauty.
That's so weird. My computer hung on that post for so long that I stopped it and re-posted only to discover that it had posted the first time!
Juliana, the costuming thing we noticed does carry through on all the brothers.
Schweet. You know, I think I did notice it on Primus, but the rest of them sort of faded for me.
Anyhoo. As someone who has read the book, I still enjoyed Stardust. As always, it helps if you go into it without the book in your head. And now, we go to whitefont:
For me, the book is much like Gulliver's Travels, with a side of Hero and Heroine Finding Themselves And Gradually Falling In Love. It's more brooding and melancholy and about family as much as it is about love. The movie naturally has to compress storylines, so Septimus/Primus is more secondary, and the Witches are brought forward to the point of having the final confrontation at their home (which kind of looked like it was in the crater of a starfall), but DeNiro and the airship took up a lot more time than they absolutely had to, and GOD it bugged me what they did to Una (Tristan's mother). She's a bloody Princess, and part of a bloodline that's known for its ruthlessness. She was the weakest part of the adaptation, by far.
In short, the director owes a lot to Terry Gilliam. But I think they did a good job of conveying the wild fantasticalness of Stormhold.
Oh gods I love Mulholland Drive. Even when I handed got it figured out, it was haunting, and the DH and I must have stayed up for 6 hours after working out what is was.
GF and I were the same way after the first viewing! We were creeped out and talked about it forever trying to work it out. Then we saw it again and were totally hooked.
I enjoyed reading the Potter commentary. I most agree on Luna's perfection, Tonks' hotness, loving Ginny (always have loved her) and the greatness overall - best yet.
I did like the way that they had Ginny's magical abilties be what draws Harry's eye initially. In the book, it's her flying abilities, but since they eliminated Quidditch from the film, they had to have something. It was too bad that they took out the scene where Harry and Ginny have a conversation over Easter eggs in the library, but I hope that they do give her some lines in the next film, considering what happens there!
I'm watching Night of the Comet. I can't think of a single film that was a bigger influence on Buffy.
I just got back from seeing
I may have to go see it again, and soon. I was grinning like an idiot throughout the entire thing, and howling with laughter during certain parts. Travolta was wonderful, of course, and there was a
brief shout-out to Pulp Fiction
that had the audience in hysterics.
Plus, so good to see Baltimore again, even a fictionalized 1960s one.