Yeah, all credits to the director of that - I read an interview with him where he said he realised mid way through the shoot that the movie shouldn't really even be about the Big Pharma thing. Obviously, it is, but that's not what makes the characters compelling.
I saw Quiet Earth fairly early on - when I was about 12 I'd say, and remembered it well. I stumbled across it again in 2005, and - yeah - it's still great. There's something very... strange... about it. Not strange. I don't have the words, still. I found it incredibly atmospheric, which seems strange given what the film is about.
I was hoping I Am Legend would be a little like it, but mostly it wasn't.
Do you guys know that Victor Garber was the original Anthony? Check him out on Johanna [link] Spydaddy has some pipes.
Oddly enough, I was wearing my Spydaddy t-shirt when we went to see Sweeney Todd.
I don't get not knowing Sweeney Todd is a musical but what people don't know often baffles me. I'm guessing it's the level of gore that does most people in.
I loved
so much! Loved. It.
Regarding Sweeney Todd, the movie, I have serious blood and gore issues, but that was not the biggest squick for me. For me it was more
the bodies hitting the floor after being dropped from
the chair.
Judicious use of fingers over the eyes took care of getting through those parts and I was fine.
That's where we got, "Ohhhhhh!" s from the audience we saw it with, too, Suzi.
Every. Time.
That was the most disturbing part for me too.
Mostly, I enjoyed it. Except for the bits where HBC sings. My favorite "My GOD why was she cast (as if I don't already know razzin' frazzin' married or whatever to the director grumble grumble)" moment was when she and Toby sing together and the
10-year-old had a stronger voice than she did.
Like, obviously and painfully stronger.
Say what you will about Patti's performance in the recent Broadway revival, at least you can't say THAT.
Otherwise, it was pretty, awesomely dark, and as well-adapted a musical movie as I've seen. 1.8 thumbs up. The other thumb got cut off and is bleeding. Profusely.
Tom, let's steal Megan and go see a movie Saturday night maybe.
Speaking of, I am 25 minutes into Troy, and have already burst out laughing at the sheer godawfulness of it all three times. Brad Pitt is currently looking heroically into the middle distance, contemplating his Doom. But they are all extremely pretty. Especially in the midriff shirts.
(And of course, because I'm me, each time Helen appears onscreen, I think to myself, "Is this the face that launched a thousand ships and burned the topless towers of Ilium?")
I don't get not knowing Sweeney Todd is a musical but what people don't know often baffles me.
The subject of Sweeney Todd has just never come up in my life. But I don't care - my life has been great. And I know what Blackadder is.