So, over the last couple of days, we watched
The Constant Gardener, The Dark Crystal,
The Quiet Earth.
The last two were rented for S's benefit, as I had seen them before. Dark Crystal, of course, anyone who loved Muppets should see. It doesn't hold up over time, like I hoped it would, but it's still good. There was a little too much exposition, and the puppeteering, while spectacular for its time, suffered slightly. The Henson creature workshop has made major improvements to the craft since then, but many bits still hold up well.
The Quiet Earth is a fantastic low budget New Zealand sci fi film from the mid 80's. Three characters in a Rapture-like situation, with a nice, unexplained, head-tilting ending.
We both thought Constant Gardener was a good, moving film, and that Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz gave stellar performances.
On the Constant Gardener DVD was a trailer for Brick, which has left me wanting to see it even more than Gloomcookie's previous recs had done. I looked for it today, but it wasn't on the shelves. So instead, we have The Lives of Others and Blade Runner, Final Cut.
I'm guessing they didn't realize it was a musical.
Seriously? Could that be it for reals?
At least twenty people walked out of the showing of Sweeney I went to. I'm guessing they didn't realize it was a musical.
See, I think the lady at our showing knew it was a musical, but she didn't know there would be gloom and cursing, also gore. Good lord the freaking gore.
Mr. Jane said it was worse than Saw for him.
Seriously? Could that be it for reals?
The most recent commercials I saw had very little singing. So if they just saw "Johnny Depp" and thought "Hey, I want to go to a movie on Christmas night"...yeah.
I enjoyed it, btw, though I thought it took a while to kick into gear.
And I didn't realize Deneuve and her daughter were doing the voices in the English version as well.
There is no English version. It's in French with subtitles.
I'm guessing they didn't realize it was a musical.
Seriously? Could that be it for reals?
Morlocks have a right to go out to the movies occasionally, too!
Morlocks have a right to go out to the movies occasionally, too!
Yeah. But the C.H.U.D. need to have a human or Morlock guardian....
Saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. Was entertained, though it is
sad that the animated characters acted better than the live actors
There were a couple of kids in the audience who declared it the BEST MOVIE EVAH. YMovieRatingMV.
I had no idea Sweeney is a musical, even after seeing the first trailer - I found out about it on the interwebs. That said, once I found out what it's actually about, now I want to actually see it.
Quiet Earth was hugely influential for me. I'm still not sure why, but it stayed with me for a long time.