FWIW, my mother adored
Sweeney Todd.
(My mother has become a raving Depp fangirl, with a side bit of adoration for Tim Burton. I keep teasing her for being late to this particular party.)
I haven't seen
Sweeney Todd
yet, because Pete is on a deadline, which means no galivanting off for a movie outing. I am not being very patient about this, because I absolutely must see
Sweeney Todd
soon, or I will die. Die, I tell you. My dad raved at me about the costumes and the art direction, and all the gothy fashion LJ comms have been burbling about it.
I thought it would be more darkly comedic.
See above: re, my rant about how they cut out most of the funny bits when they adapted it for the screen.
I absolutely must see Sweeney Todd soon, or I will die. Die, I tell you. My dad raved at me about the costumes and the art direction, and all the gothy fashion LJ comms have been burbling about it.
There were so many times I thought, "Jilli's gonna love this part!" I think I will die if you don't see it soon.
They have some of the costumes on display at the Arclight, Jilli.
They have some of the costumes on display at the Arclight, Jilli.
Waaaaaah! I don't suppose someone would be willing to go, um, liberate them and send them to me? Nope, didn't think so.
There were so many times I thought, "Jilli's gonna love this part!" I think I will die if you don't see it soon.
Again, waaaaaaah! Stupid art deadlines, keeping me from seeing this movie. I wonder how cranky Pete would be if I went out and saw it by myself, and then went to see it with him a second time? Because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be perfectly willing to watch it multiple times ...
See above: re, my rant about how they cut out most of the funny bits when they adapted it for the screen.
That's what my theatre-type friends who love the musical have told me but, having only seen the movie, the fact that there could BE more funny parts is a little appalling to me. Given the overall tragic nature of the plot. (although, of course, I believe you and my theatre friends when you say the original is genius! It's just hard for me to imagine enjoying it after seeing the movie...if that makes sense?)
See above: re, my rant about how they cut out most of the funny bits when they adapted it for the screen.
Hah! We were trying to decide what movie to see over Christmas and
Sweeney Todd
came up. My sister said she wasn't interested because she didn't like the show. I said I wasn't really interested because I heard that it wasn't funny like the show. Her response? "That show wasn't funny!" And suddenly it all becomes clear.
Was I supposed to care about the death in Pirates III? I was sat looking at my watch thinking 'This is just delaying the ending! Stop already!'. They had possibly lost my attention by that point.
...individually, I understand all of these words. And yet assembled thus, they become a thing of bafflement.
The kids want me to take them to see Alvin and the Chipmunks this afternoon. I'm scared.
Have you seen the commercial where Alvin raps, and eats a chipmunk pellet?