LOVED him in Apollo 13 (though my love for Ed Harris eclipses Hanks, really)
Favorite Apollo 13 actors in ascending order: (4) Tom Hanks, (3) Gary Sinise, (2) Loren Dean (as the oh-so-hot EECOM guy who works with Mattingly to get the power-up routine in order), and (1) Ed Harris.
So, Matt, Gerard Butler gay? Whattaya think?
Depends on how many falling stars I get to wish on in the next year.
Seriously, I can't tell... I've wondered, but that may just be due to wishful thinking rather than any real vibe I've picked up. The combo of him being from the U.K. and very much my type makes it too difficult for me to get a good read on him without actually meeting in person.
I don't care at all for Tom Hanks, but really enjoyed Charlie Wilson's War. I am a cold-war geek, afterall. I laughed out loud (ruefully) at the closing line of the movie. Partially since I'd heard an interview with someone where they were asked if
the repercussions today of our involvement were at all alluded to in the film, and the guy dryly said "Oh, I think the connections are clear."
and I wasn't sure if it was a half-assed cover or not. It
I share Scrappy's love for
That Thing You Do
and am still impressed with Hanks' work on it.
Historically I'd say that Hanks has made more good choices for roles than not, but these last few years have brought his average way down from what it was.
It wouldn't surprise me if he's offered more guff stuff than good stuff nowadays due to the age thing.
Personally, I don't mind Tom Hanks. The only time actors start to annoy me is when I know more about their personal lives than I do about their acting ability. Then instead of seeing a new character I'm sat thinking 'God, do they believe in aliens?'.
"That Thing..." was really cute.
I like Hanks. He strikes me as an actor who paid his dues and is a hard worker. He hasn't always made what I consider great choices in his roles but I like his range and have been impressed with his dramatic roles and depth.
That Thing You Do is one of my favorite movies and I like him in it.
Polar Express doesn't bug me, thank goodness, since Owen's watching it for the eleventieth time.
I love Tom Hanks, but I'm a total plebeian and shouldn't be referred to for issues of taste.
I'm so glad you all love "That Thing You Do" though! Because my boy Rick Elias did the music for it, and he is made of awesome underneath his standoffish exterior.
I kept expecting his Layered Cake/James Bond voice to show up, and then I get something that sounded... Midwestern? New England? Very strange.
afair, his accent was unremarkable in the movie. I may have to rewatch.
Matt, I totally think you should meet Gerard in person and establish whether he pings your gaydar. By which I most emphatically mean porn. (Have you folks seen
Dear Frankie
? It's terribly charming. Probably my fav...oh, no, I just remembered
Reign of Fire,
which contains The Best Scene In Any Movie Evah, where Gerard Butler and his boyfriend Best Buddy In All The World, Christian Bale, re-enact the "Luke, I am your father" scene. Actually, I really quite surprised myself by how much I liked
Dracula 2000
too. I was braced for much greater awfulness than actually happened onscreen. I mean, don't misunderstand, it's a BAD film, but still - really quite an enjoyable Crap B Movie, imho. Like
Deep Blue Sea.
And they actually gave the whole vampire mythos an original spin, which - whodathunk?
...why yes, my former flatmate
have a massive crush on Gerard Butler, and we DID watch pretty much everything he's been in, including (God help us)
Why do you ask?
Tom Hanks movies, as a general rule of thumb. But sometimes there are exceptions.
Went to the pictures the other day, and ended up watching
because, well, it was on. Overall I thought this was a pretty calculated and unlikeable movie, struggling to catch up with the post-Shrek sensibility but there
several genuinely funny moments. (And, okay, one very enjoyable Big Musical Number. Sigh. I am a sucker.) And all of the actors (including the wee girl) were putting in perfectly good performances. It was just... charmless, for the most part, in conception and execution. But I have to say that I thought James Marsden was absofuckinglutely hilarious. Between this and
I find myself liking him really rather a lot at the moment.
(...okay, and also I did find myself considering getting my tailor to make a variation on the vaguely Regency dress that Giselle wears at one point. Um.)
Timeline, Fay. Also has Thewlis. And some other people. But Butler, and Thewlis. Num.