I hated Love, Actually a lot. The recurring theme of Powerful White Guy + Younger Woman In Subservient Position creeped me right the fuck out.
I was about to say that my sister was an extra in PS, I Love You, but then I realized she was an extra in a completely different movie called p.s. Which I don't recommend because it's unbelievably dull and pointless, but if anyone does wind up renting it, my sister is on the NYU steps in the background of one scene. Or maybe Columbia. Whichever.
i'm glad i'm not alone in hating Love, Actually. i actually bought it because so many people were raving about it. then i watched it and was overcome with "WTF?! people like this?".
I liked some of the stories in it--the Martin Freeman one and the Emma Thompson ones in particular. And Colin Firth with yearning eyes is always nice to look at. The rest of the film I find rather blah.
The list of things I love about
Love Actually
is too long to post here.
makes me laugh, and it's a bit too earnest and serious, but I still adore it. Hated
The Ref
the first time I watched it but now love it to itty bitty bits. That's up there with
Mixed Nuts. Adore
Love Actually.
And another holiday fave is
Home for the Holidays
with Holly Hunter and pretty pretty men.
I just watched Sunshine. Oof. That's up there with Spider-Man 3 on my list of Movies You Should Only Watch Half Of.
Because right up until the
reveal of the "fifth crew member,"
I was really enjoying it. And then it went from awesome to craptacular in the space of about three seconds. What a waste.
I'm not speaking to Plei any more.
Not liking Truly, Madly, Deeply. Hmph.
Guess what?
I'm watching Love Actually right now AIFG!!1!
honestly I just hear the theme music and my heart melts
I just watched Sunshine. Oof. That's up there with Spider-Man 3 on my list of Movies You Should Only Watch Half Of.
So walking out of it at the 50 minute mark was a good decision, then?