I've always thought of The Hobbit as Lord of the Rings for kids.
That's because that's essentially what it is. The Hobbit was written more for kids--including being reviewed by the 10 year old son of its eventual publisher. TLotR was published as a "sequel" to The Hobbit, it was really the result of the larger epic tale that was started well before the words "in a hole in the ground lived a hobbit."
Is the Simpsons movie out on DVD?
Got it from Netflix yesterday and watched it last night.
How in the lord's name did that need saying? Or was there a previous work by someone else that Lucas was working from?
The second question is more interesting--how much PJ do we get if he's not directing, and how much do we need?
How in the lord's name did that need saying?
I just liked the phrase "Jar Jar Balrog"...
Exploitation of what? Elves?
Am I the only person in Middle Earth wanting PJ to keep his mits off any other installments in the Tolkein stories?
I saw Sweeney Todd tonight.
What's funny is that I basically agree with everything Jessica said, but I'm more positive overall. I really liked it for what it was. Thumbs up.
So much better than Sam Raimi!