Dana, did you just read the wikipedia page on the Abyss?
I just did!
I deleted my comment about the mouse in the pink goo from my previous post for fear I was remembering it wrong. But no. My movie trivia knowledge is sadly vast.
I'd like more info on the liquid flourocarbon experiment...That can't have been pleasant for the vermin.
Off to wiki again...
Dana, did you just read the wikipedia page on the Abyss?
Nope. I own the book. And the director's cut of the movie, somewhere.
the director's cut of
The Abyss.
I thought it went to a super-preachy place that took me out of a movie-enjoying place and into "I must now feel bad because I am a warful and destructive ugly human". I thought the simplicity of the theatrical version was much more lovely.
I just really enjoyed all the characters and the relationship between Bud and The Bitch. And Michael Biehn *sigh* I rented
Planet Terror
for you, and you didn't disappoint me.
I should not be allowed to watch It's a Wonderful Life. It hits my cry button way too easily.
I watched IAWF four years running, late at night on Christmas Eve. That's some depressing shit, right there.
I love It's a Wonderful Life, but I'm more about the love story between George and Mary than anything else.
I put it on for the kids cause I realized they had never seen it (not sure how, but that is something else). Well, they both ditched me and I turned into a water fountain at the end.
Just finished watching
Mixed Nuts,
a perennial fave holiday movie.
Madeleine Kahn rocks!
Second movie of the day:
This time I'm pretty confident the movie really is just that bad. Sure is pretty, though.