Apparently they're making a movie version of the classic British series
The Persuaders.
IMDB has George Clooney and Hugh Grant rumoured to be playing Danny Wilde and Lord Brett Sinclair.
I'm thinking Matt Damon and Christian Bale as Danny and Lord Brett.
yahoo was reporting this morning that Brad Pitt pulled out the american remake of State of Play. no word yet on why...
I heard he wasn't happy with the script.
I love having a verbose obsessive on my flist.
Batman prestuff:
State of Play is in development hell due to the script I believe. (Something to do with a lack of writers to fix it..)
Bladerunner: The Final Final Final Yes Really Cut is on at my local cinema today. Big screen, digital projection.
Oh I loved the Batman stuff.
Bladerunner for teh win! It was awesome. The only thing I could tell which was changed was the reshooting of one scene (it's still the same, they've just fixed a key problem with it), so it hasn't gone all George Lucas. It looked frickin' amazing. The only problem I had is there's one or two shots which they haven't been able to clean up much -- they were probably a mess originally, it's hard to tell on DVD -- and they stand out a little as the rest looks mint.
I wonder if Albert Finney has ever taken Brian Cox aside and asked him to be more mindful the gigs he takes.
If he has, I'm glad it wasn't before Cox did THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.
"I submit to you that what he's looking for was either never there, or is gone for good."
"No, I'm the Hill Brothers bean buyer."
"Three. One(here) one (there) and one next to Mr. Wally."
All of which just set Sam L. up for a classic line:
"What's the weather like on your planet, old man?"
The two tip-o'-the-tam-o'-shanter movies released summer of 95, Braveheart and Rob Roy, were sort of rivals at the box office. Brian Cox was, I believe, the only actor present in both.
I just watched
Deja Vu.
Very cool. I do love time travel nonsense, although I had to scour some IMDb threads to understand the movie. I think they could have stood to be a bit more explicit about
the fact that Doug goes back twice, even though we never saw the first time.
Val Kilmer is not looking good these days.