Good lord, that doesn't even LOOK like Ginny.
Since you've brought this up, I thought I should mention that most of the posters I saw for Order of the Phoenix made me think to myself:
I know that's Harry, that's Ron, and that's Hermione, but who is that oddly effeminite, strangely attractive boy in the picture?
OMG!!! That's Ginny Weasly.
So, none of the picture of Ginny I've seen for OotP looked at all like her. To me, anyway.
Which is horrible, cause she's way totally cute! [link]
When I saw Ginny in the poster I thought "Why is Draco Malfoy in the DA? "
I like this poster of her: [link]
They all look good in that poster (except for Luna - her hair is too fried). Cho Chang girl is CUTE!
Lainey dished on meeting the Potter kids and loved Bonnie, but wasn't very nice to Rupert:
In every interview I have ever seen with Rupert, he is a total drag. He stutters and does exactly what she says he does.
He either needs to stop smoking all that pot (as one person commented) or get laid. A lot. And then some more.
And my love for Dan aside, this:
(when I asked him why he hasn’t turned out like Britney Spears, he told me it was because he refused the offer of breast implants)
*IS* funny.
I think Rupert is kind of adorkable in his lameness. And yeah, a total pothead. That was obvious as soon as he bought the ice cream van.
My love for Rupert is very deep. But the ice cream van bit made me laugh so freaking hard. Watching him on Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson was high-larious.