It wasn't even plotholes and such, but loss of theme, which is what I thought was so wonderful about
They go from the themes of survival and love and what one would do to survive and sacrifce for that survival "in a heartbeat" and twisting it into some generic "but love screws things up and destroys the world!" and ugliness and random violence.
What really ruined it for me was the chick who is now on Damages turning out to be a screaming laugh-fest with her ridonkulous final scene. The movie lost me completely there.
The loss of theme bugged me, but the scene where whathisface, the dad,
is able to waltz into what should be a secured quarantine area to see his wife
made my eyes roll straight back into my head. Yes, I know there was line about him having
"all areas access",
She's strapped to an exam table in a military medical section, and you expect me to believe there's no armed guard or cameras there?
Not to mention him becoming
Super!Infected, surviving everything, and being able to track his kids.
Hmmph. Pete cracked up at the end scene with Paris, tho'.
Paris delighted me to no end, and yeah, the dad
gaining access to what would have been a military guarded zone (sure he *had* access, but in that instance?) and then being the super-special enraged infected and following his family throughout?
Logically it didn't follow, and thematically... nope. (If the second movie even had a theme besides "kill all of mankind")
I do have to say that I finally found Josh Duhamel hot, because he does nothing for me in Las Vegas.
A guy I used to work with had written his own script for a sequel to 28 Days Later that was way more fun than the actual sequel. Just for funs, but it was still a better idea than the one they ran with.
It was a 28 years later thing, and Britain had been entirely quarantined since the outbreak, surrounded by great big walls and boats with guns and such. But teams of bounty hunters/thieves and such would try to break in and track down money and works of art and such to sell once they got back out.
ETA - Are you still in the ER? I can entertain you with ridiculous things until you feel less/more human, if it helps. Either that, or turn off the computer and get some sleep!
Just got home. I'll scroll upthread and read the 28WL whitefont, and then it's off to pillowland. For, like, seven seconds.
Interesting premise for the movie.
Interesting premise for the movie.
I thought so. Have good sleep!
I thought the theme of 28WL was that kids should obey their parents and not go traipsing off. :-)
Did anybody see 30 Days of Night? It's only just come out over here. I went to see it yesterday on a whim, and it's actually quite good, I thought.