When the Wind Blows scared the everloving shit out of me when I was a kid - I still can't watch it to this day. What they were doing showing it in a primary school, I do not know.
I'm thinking they showed it to us in high school. It's the only way to see it that makes sense for me.
I've been trying to remember under what circumstances I saw it, and I can't. Must have been some kind of special showing. It's not the kind of thing I would have caught on Bargain Night at the multiplex.
On that list, I've seen
The Passion of Joan of Arc, Safe
Boys Don't Cry,
and I'd be very, very willing to see any of them again -- well, maybe only one "very" for JoA, since it was such a harrowing experience for the lead actress and I'm not particularly supportive of dickish directorial mindgame-playing. But the other two, oh my yes, anytime.
We have a borrowed copy of
Grave of the Fireflies
at home right now, but I'm beginning to think that I really shouldn't watch it.
I lucking fove Lady in the Water.
::holds DVD tightly to chest and feels closer to it knowing so many people hate it::
People can mock it and be all ejamakated and enlightened and poo poo it and call it garbage and mock M. Night and be all meta about how he's making himself this huge character and stroking his ego. Poo on them.
Because they forgot that they were watching a story, a beautiful sweet little story with these lovely little characters and yet another gorgeous score from James Newton Howard. Sure, perhaps the language was clunky and silly, but the characters are wonderful and the feeling of family and community is once again pervasive throughout, and M. Night portrays the most endearing brother (the brother/sister relationship was just so authentic and sweet) and I think he's getting more comfortable with the acting thing (and he's cute to boot).
Even if everything else in the movie was horrid, if they had only the brother/sister relationship and kept that last scene from the pool where all the music and sound goes quiet... (I get chills everytime, it's so perfect), I'd still want to own this movie.
If I'm a little passionate about how this movie doesn't suck, it's because there was so much hatred and mockery tossed at it before, during and after it's release. Which is so doesn't deserve.
And I hope all those mean people get eaten by Scrunts.
The comments below that Road story indicate that Viggo is still playing the lead and Guy is playing a more minor character that appears towards the end of the story.
Ah. Should have read the whole page.
I really need to read that book.