I saw this and nearly did a spit-take. I'm watching the documentary on the making of Hitchcock's Rear Window and they were mentioning other films he did that were shot in confined locations.
Remember the discussions about Keanu Reeves from a few days ago?
One of the movies mentioned was Lifeboat and they flashed the poster on the screen. And there they were... (from left to right, starting with the 2nd guy over) Keanu Reeves, Matt Dillon and Val Kilmer...
Prizoner of Azkaban was my favorite Harry Potter movie but since I've re-read the book I'm having all kinds of problems with it.
Why would Sirius growl and bark at Harry?
Scabbers ears are ridiculous.
Those carriages are so close together there's no room for thestrals in between.
I'm assuming they used Shetlend Thestrals?
I'm assuming they used Shetland Thestrals?
Wine almost came out of my nose.
Is there a term for a nasal spit-take?
Is there a term for a nasal spit-take?
In some language there must be. Probably German.
One of the movies mentioned was Lifeboat and they flashed the poster on the screen. And there they were... (from left to right, starting with the 2nd guy over) Keanu Reeves, Matt Dillon and Val Kilmer...
That's probably the first time that Val Kilmer has been compared to Hume Cronyn.
Is there a term for a nasal spit-take?
Whatever it is, just don't tell Lee, juliana, Megan Walker, Sparky, or vwbug.
Pretty sure it's called A Suzy.