Just started watching Hot Fuzz. Holy crap, this has everybody!
That is showing up in my mailbox tomorrow...cannot wait
I liked The Departed a whole lot--up until the end, where I thought it got needlessly twisty.
I dunno I rode with it the whole way. Though for most movies I'd say the very ending was unneccessary, but for The Departed it was the frosting on a fantastic cake. I've not seen CoM yet and can't compare the two.
I shudder to think what Dick Cheney could do with an army of obedient zombie soldiers. Even somewhat-disobedient ones.
The obedient would eat the disobedient. I would be faster than the other zombies or eaten. It depends on the zombie rules in that situation/world. Running Zombies? In the clear. No running? Eaten.
So I just re-read
The Mist,
and I now know that I
cannot go see the movie.
How had I forgotten that
there are giant spiders in this story?! Lots of them, even.
Oh well.
So...consensus here, is the original Wicker Man worth watching??
So...consensus here, is the original Wicker Man worth watching??
Oh yes, it's a cult classic.
That's kind of why it's known. It was a rare expression of pagan beliefs in the seventies. But it's also scary/creepy. It's not laughable like the recent one.
Other people's beliefs are usually pretty interesting. Nicholas Cage's movie roles however...
"Put... the bunny... back... in the box."*
Jilli, did you see
LOTR: The Return of the King?
I have a friend who shares your phobia, but he said RotK was sufficiently non-realistic that it didn't bother him.
You need to see the original Wicker Man if you're going to see / have already seen the hilarious travesty that was the LaBute version. Because it's not just that he made a craptacularly bad movie about how scary life would be if Teh Wimmins were in charge, it's that he made it out of that source material.
And, you know, because it's a good movie. (Ideally, I think people should see the original first, in order to be properly horrified by the remake. But it works almost as well in reverse.)
I liked The Departed well enough, but it's not even remotely in the same league as Children of Men. On rewatch of The Departed, I found myself getting bored and wondering why it was so long. Children of Men, I saw in theatres 4 times and would happily watch it 40 more. There's just SO MUCH THERE.
he said RotK was sufficiently non-realistic that it didn't bother him.
Huh, I had the same reaction for the opposite reason. Shelob, to me, looked like a giant spider would actually look, and wasn't all that scary. Unlike the giant spiders in, say Chamber of Secrets, which looked exactly like the evil phobia-version of giant spiders, and had me hiding under my seat.
Huh, I had the same reaction for the opposite reason. Shelob, to me, looked like a giant spider would actually look, and wasn't all that scary.
Maybe I shouldn't have said "non-realistic" as much as "not at all like the real-world versions, on account of the huge size."
I don't even remember what the
Chamber of Secrets
ones were like.
Actually, I might have skipped that movie....