Okay, now after reading the NY Times article on the latest Blade Runner edition I'm curious again.
The special effects that produced this vision were amazing for their day. Created with miniature models, optics and double exposures, they seemed less artificial than many computer effects of a decade later. But like film stock, they faded with time.
For the new director’s cut, the special-effects footage was digitally scanned at 8,000 lines per frame, four times the resolution of most restorations, and then meticulously retouched. The results look almost 3-D.
I didn't know you could do that with a restoration.
So they didn't pull a Lucas and add more CGI, right? They just made the original special effects look as good as they were meant to?
I want to see the new cut. I don't necessarily agree with laying it all out there, but I'd like to see the new and restored stuff. Do you think a theater around here will host a screening? It'd be cool to see it on the big screen....
They just made the original special effects look as good as they were meant to?
Exactly. It should be close to an immaculate first print.
Do you think a theater around here will host a screening?
Definitely. SF is one of the places that almost always gets to show off a new print or restoration, along wth NY and LA. Usually shown at the Castro.
SF is one of the places that almost always gets to show off a new print or restoration, along wth NY and LA. Usually shown at the Castro.
aww that's where I saw the first release of the director's cut...possibly. a big release of one of the director's cuts at any rate.
aww that's where I saw the first release of the director's cut...possibly. a big release of one of the director's cuts at any rate.
That's where they released the "director's cut" which took off the voiceover and the happy ending became ambiguous.
I don't mind ambiguous. In fact I prefer it. But--and I know this makes me a philestine--but I really miss the voiceover.
DH and I saw Blade Runner at a special pre-release midnight screening in widescreen, and were utterly fuddled that it sank the way it did. We pimped it to friends and discussed it with those we persuaded to watch, at length. I've never been comfortable with the director's cut, but that's just because I fell so hard for it the first time.
Hell, I'm still upset at the cuts they made to Last of the Mohicans in the dvd release, and the recut release-to-dvd of a couple of made-for-HBO movies. If I like a movie the first time I see it, I'll probably not like a recut, even if the recut serves the story.
Bev, the new DVD release will include the original theatrical cut w/ the voiceover. (As well as the other fifteen bajillion four versions that have been released over the years.)