Let's say, for argument's sake, that Mariah (or Julie Andrews) had a lower limit of, oh, C below middle C. That's lower than I can sing, it's lower than any soprano I know can sing, but let's say that.
Up to middle C, one octave. C above middle C, two octaves. High C, three octaves. I don't believe people can sing another *two* octaves above high C. Even something like the "Queen of the Night" aria only goes up to F above high C.
We're talking dog whistle range.
Here's just the techno bit of the aria (which is intercut with the fighty-fighty).
Mmm. I absolutely love the ending, where they both throw out their arms.
And a vid to the entire aria.
Also, I'm weirded out by the Diva's hands. They seem too long to be human (especially to be female), but they also seem too realistic to have been faked in any way.
On further investigating (by which I mean typing her name into Google), they look to be her real hands. Le huh.
I was just reading through Julie Andrews' Wikipedia entry, and they said she had a four-octave range, which is much more reasonable.
We're talking dog whistle range.
As someone who once had his radio blasting loudly when that damn "Emotions" song of hers came on, I can believe her vocal range includes the ultrasonic.
They seem too long to be human (especially to be female), but they also seem too realistic to have been faked in any way.
I always thought it was the paint, myself.
Man hands.
I loathe and abominate every script Luc Besson has ever written, doubly so any he's directed himself (I think that's all of them), and wish he'd just be something visual like art director or DP so that someone else can restrain him from his inevitable excess and stupidity.
Also, opera and techno were never, ever meant to meet. And if opera and techno did meet, I'd like to think they would do better than Mozart Smurf.
Now that I'm home, I can listen to the clip from "The Fifth Element." I notice some people got in a slapfight in the YouTube comments about whether the singer's voice is digitally enhanced. Someone claims that:
As the character Plavalaguna is humanoid alien, her vocalizations seem beyond physical possibility; however, in a documentary feature on the Special Edition DVD release, it is stated that Mula-Tchako's voice was not digitally altered.
I still say it's bullshit. Especially around :58 and 1:04.
it is stated that Mula-Tchako's voice was not digitally altered
That's complete bull.
Unless, as I suspect, the entire techno section isn't a human voice at all.
I'm all, what the fuck did they do that to Lucia di Lammermoore for? I guess it's thematic, what with the bloodshed and mayhem, but still. Mixing it with techno (which I abhor)! Yeeek.