The ingredient lists for most of these recipes are a bit daunting. I think Sam's ceviche is the shortest of the ones I've downloaded. Sadly, it doesn't seem as if Dave's infamous panna cotta is up there.
Non-Fiction TV: I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Food Network Star -- Putting aside for the moment The Painful End to The JAG's Web of Lies, I can't believe they picked Rory for the final two. She's like a deer in headlights who can't cook. I thought she was also pretty uniformly awful in the PR challenges. WTF?
Watched Ice Road Truckers last night. That's some seriously dangerous driving they're doing.
I immediately turned to Google Maps to figure out the route to Yellowknife from my house -- 35+ miles, 2 days & 19 hours. Hmmmm.
Then I looked around Yellowknife and followed the Trail highway for a while -- that's some serious country there.
In other Top Chef news, I discovered today that they have recipes up on the site. (It's entirely possible they've been there all along. That site is so difficult to navigate, they could be giving away free houses for all I know.) Has anyone tried any of these?
In NYC, Freshdirect has Top Chef recipes available now, but nothing from this season. (I made Betty's portobello melt & roasted pepper soup a couple of months ago, it was very good.)
I didn't watch Food Network Star last night, I didn't think I could stand it if I watched and Amy wasn't in the top 2 or if JAG made it to the top 2.
How did JAG's web of lies end? Did he get called on it?
Kristen - Amy clearly was the best which is exactly why Food Network didn't choose her.
(Actually, I bet it was because she stiffened up in the Rachel Ray challenge.)
Yes, they called him back into the office MONTHS after recording the final challenges and (obviously) after NFNS had started airing and talked to him and removed him from the final two.
Dear lord I hope Rory doesn't win (though it looks like that's where they are heading). Giada's teeth are scary enough without bringing in an even scarier set.
and the first member would be Padma (was it here where we were talking about the rumor that she divorced Rushdie because she was having an affair with Colicchio). But, I think he's a dick. But, I seem to be a minority in that opinion.
You are not alone! I too think he is dickish.
ALSO, has anyone else seen the Feedback comic that was finally put out for Who Wants To Be A Superhero? D's been keeping me too busy to read more than the first few pages, but oh my GOD it's so bad. It's so bad it's almost good, but mostly it's just bad.
I saw that on the Dark Horse website and was suitably appalled.
Thanks for the Bourdain link--he did a great post on Ruhlman's blog last season that, like, eviscerated the contestants and was very entertaining. I love Bourdain so much--re-read Kitchen Confidential last week, and god, the man has a way with words. And I ate at Les Halles when I was in Manhattan at the beginning of the month!
SYTYCD: Man, I would so rather have had Jamie go home instead of Shauna. I thought Shauna put so much more heart into her dancing than Jamie. I may have this opinion because Jamie is really f'ing annoying as a person.
Sara and Pasha are *amazing.*
I love that he (Bourdain) called Marcel, "Astro Boy."
How did JAG's web of lies end? Did he get called on it?
After they picked the final two (JAG and Rory), they put up a card that was about the rumors and that they had asked him to come to NY to discuss the allegations. Then he was in a room with the two judges and did what was clearly a rehearsed schtick about the lies. Then he "resigned" from the competition.
(Actually, I bet it was because she stiffened up in the Rachel Ray challenge.)
Is it wrong that I prefer a stiff Amy to a clueless, overbearing Rory or angry, whirling dervish JAG? I thought she was charming and that her "it's French for eggs in a ramekin" was cute. I didn't get the "elitist" vibe from her that the judges were talking about.
Though I am an elitist myself so maybe that's it.