Oh I see Cedric dancing.
I'm afraid that Mary's a fan now and she's going to vote for him and so will the other guy and Nigel won't.
This thread is for non-fiction TV, including but not limited to reality television (So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef: Masters, Project Runway), documentaries (The History Channel, The Discovery Channel), and sundry (Expedition Africa, Mythbusters), et al. [NAFDA]
Oh I see Cedric dancing.
I'm afraid that Mary's a fan now and she's going to vote for him and so will the other guy and Nigel won't.
I fast forwarded through Hilary Duff to catch up. For the guys, I'd send Cedric home. His learning curve has been too darn slow. For the girls, it's a bit of a toss up between Anya and Shawna. I think Anya if very limited by her ballroom repertoire and Shawna is a bit flat-footed, some of her transitions outright suck.
Thank god they got Cedric off! I'm sorry to see Shawna dance because I think she was interesting.
Whew. At least they got one right. I'm sorry for Cedric, but he needed to leave weeks ago.
Yeah, I think Shauna/Shawna was a bit of a mistake. But it was very clear Cedric's time was numbered. I wish he had been treated better while he was on the show. The public berating 2 weeks ago was over the top and fucking ridiculous. I'm still bitter over that.
I have to agree with the judges on sending Shauna home. She's a good dancer, but I haven't seen any changes in her dancing since she started. She is remarkably talented, but she's got a heaviness (not physical) about her. I used to see it in Nancy Kerrigan when she was skating. She might have been able to do a triple, but it always looked like she was fighting for it every single time. It never looked effortless and that's the same way I feel about Shawna. Technically good, but execution is leaden.
Sail, I agree with you about Kerrigan, but I think Shauna's biggest problem was that her partner was Cedric. I'dve sent Anya home instead. I would have loved to see Shauna with Danny.
I would have liked to see Shauna dance with someone else, too. I think if she'd had a better partner she would have shown more growth, but she was the one who had to keep pulling Cedric up to her level. I wish they had taken that into account, too. I think Anya's still here because she's partnering with Danny and she's really had to stretch to keep up, which worked in her favor. If you'd stuck her with Cedric, she'd be leaving instead of Shauna.
Oh well, at least Cedric's gone and Hok is safe. I was really worried about him and Jaime.